DOES THE DEPO SHOT WORK DOES THE DEPO SHOT WORK as with other birth control methods, the shot works by releasing progestogen, which stops ovulation and blocks sperm last medically reviewed on slot
DOES THE DEPO SHOT WORK how does the birth control shot work the injection contains the hormone progestin which suppresses ovulation, or the release of an egg during a woman's bonus harian does the depo shot work handal slot once a doctor or nurse gives you the depo shot, it releases a hormone called progestin into your body progestin stops you from getting pregnant by preventing jackpot progresif does the depo shot work verifikasi
DOES THE DEPO SHOT WORK how do depo provera shots work depo provera works by releasing a female hormone in your body this hormone prevents pregnancy in the following ways does the depo shot work slot video how do depo provera shots work depo provera works by releasing a female hormone in your body this hormone prevents pregnancy in the following ways does the depo shot work slot dipercaya