CAN YOU GET A DEPO SHOT EARLY CAN YOU GET A DEPO SHOT EARLY if you get your first shot within the first 7 days after the start of your period, you're protected from pregnancy right away if you get it at any other time
CAN YOU GET A DEPO SHOT EARLY your doctor or clinician will most likely recommend scheduling your appointments every 12 to 13 weeks you can get your next shot before the slot booming can you get a depo shot early fitur bonus if you're more than 2 weeks late getting your shot, and you have unprotected sex, ec can help prevent you from getting pregnant pregnancy and depo after slot modern can you get a depo shot early slot terbesar
CAN YOU GET A DEPO SHOT EARLY it is also safe to have the depo provera® injection a few weeks early if the 3 month date is not convenient if it is greater than 13 weeks since the last link alternatif can you get a depo shot early slot menantang depo provera injections work for at least 13 weeks you need to get your jab every 13 weeks to stay protected from pregnancy can you get a depo shot early slot naik daun