SPOTTING AFTER DEPO SHOT SPOTTING AFTER DEPO SHOT almost all women experience changes in their periods when using depo provera such as longer periods, spotting between periods (sometimes daily), or no periods
SPOTTING AFTER DEPO SHOT you then need to use condoms for at least 7 days after the injection for additional protection you should not take depo provera if • you are pregnant or think slot app spotting after depo shot slot hits if bleeding persists beyond three months, it can be treated with supplemental estrogen and or a nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drug (nsaid) spotting after depo shot game baru
SPOTTING AFTER DEPO SHOT bleeding and spotting when on the birth control shot is perfectly normal and is often caused by your body's reaction to increased progesterone in the body spotting after depo shot gacor hari a lot of women spot randomly or their periods slowly taper off while on depo i spotted for 6 months then my periods went away and i'd spot for multiplayer spotting after depo shot slot konvensional