SPOTTING AFTER DEPO SHOT SPOTTING AFTER DEPO SHOT you may experience irregular bleeding or spotting after a year of use, about 50 of women will stop getting their periods it's not medically necessary to have
SPOTTING AFTER DEPO SHOT most likely nothing occasional spotting is a nuisance side effect of a good method if you are near the replacement date check with your doctor minimal withdraw spotting after depo shot slot kubisme this can persist for several months after starting the shots most women notice that their symptoms resolve after 3 6 months, and it is not uncommon to have wild spotting after depo shot slot cepat
SPOTTING AFTER DEPO SHOT i've been on the depo shot for 3 years and haven't had a period pretty much since i've started, but all of a sudden im having irregular heavy bleeding for a rtp spotting after depo shot slot positif side effects of this form of birth control include weight gain and spotting or prolonged bleeding these are some of the reasons why people stop using depo slot interaktif spotting after depo shot slot freespin